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Youth Education in Waskaganish

October 25, 2024Eeyou Education Blog

The Cree School Board is delighted to announce the commissioners for the communities of Whapmagoostui, Wemindji, and Waskaganish.

  • Christa Bobbish was elected in Whapmagoostui.
  • Gillian Blackned was elected in Wemindji.
  • Kaitlynn Hester-Moses was elected in Waskaganish.

On the photo, left to right: Gillian Blackned, Kaitlynn Hester-Moses, Christa Bobbish.

October 11, 2024Eeyou Education Blog

This year has been filled with inspiring achievements and significant progress in our mission to provide quality education rooted in Eeyou values. From innovative educational programs to community-driven initiatives, we are proud to share the stories that highlight our dedication to empowering students and fostering a supportive learning environment. Join us as we celebrate the milestones and successes that have shaped this academic year, and look forward to continuing our journey of growth and excellence.

October 4, 2024Eeyou Education Blog

[Updated October 4, 2024] We are excited to announce that the Cree School Board's 5th Regional General Assembly will take place in Chisasibi, iiyiyiu aschii, on November 6 and 7, 2024.

Upcoming Events

Looking for Adult Education in Waskaganish? Click here.


School Commissioner

Kaitlynn Hester-Moses ()

School Committees

School Years: 2021-2022, 2022-2023, 2023-2024
(Updated June 21, 2023)

École Winnibekuu School

  • Barbara D. Hester, Chairperson
  • Sasha Weistche, Vice Chairperson
  • Cheryl A. Hester
  • Priscilla Wesley
  • Betty Blueboy
  • Leona Hester, Band Representative
  • Ruth Salt, Elder Representative

École Annie Whiskeychan Memorial Elementary School

  • Brenda Hester, Chairperson
  • Conrad Blueboy, Vice-Chairperson
  • Bessie Gillies
  • Erica Stephen
  • Neesha-Chanan Shecapio
  • Sarah Cowboy, Band Representative
  • Florrie Katapatuk, Elder Representative


A school inspired by Cree values dedicated to the academic achievement of our students in a safe, harmonious and welcoming atmosphere based on mutual respect. This must be accomplished in a healthy climate of trust and cooperation to enable them to become positive members of society. 

Une école, basée sur les valeurs cries, dédiée à la réussite académique de nos élèves, et ce, dans un environnement sécuritaire, harmonieux et accueillant basé sur le respect mutuel. Cela devra se réaliser dans un climat sain où règnent la confiance et la coopération pour qu’ils deviennent des membres positifs de la société. 


This is your school, others have built it for you. You must make it come alive and give it a face. Its spirit will be built daily by your actions. You are not alone. You are a member of a community. You obey the rules made by the community. You accomplish every day the obligations that link us all. You are solidarity. You are responsible. To break this law is to disavow yourself. To refuse it is to exclude yourself from the community.

Cette école est ton école, d’autres l’ont bâtie pour toi. Tu dois la rendre vivante et lui donner un visage. Son esprit sera construit tous les jours par ton action. Tu la construis pour les autres. Tu n’es pas seul. Tu es membre d’une communauté. Tu obéis aux règles fixées par cette communauté. Tu accomplis chaque jour des obligations qui te lient à nous tous. Tu es solidaire. Tu es responsable. Enfreindre cette loi, c’est te désavouer. La refuser, c’est t’exclure de cette communauté.

Core Beliefs

Chistaiimiiduuwin - Respect - Respect 
Dibtaiimuwiin - Humility - Humilité 
Kaachaataawaayiitaamuwiin - Wisdom - Sagesse 
Naanahwiikaaduuwiin - Sharing - Partage 
Shouchayimuwiin - Courage - Courage 
Souwaayiichiichaawiin - Compassion - Compassion 
Taabwaaoushshiiwiin - Honesty - Honnêteté

About Waskaganish

Waskaganish means "little house." This community of about 2,000 people lies on the shore of the Rupert River, near James Bay. Fort Rupert, as Waskaganish was first known, was one of three original Hudson Bay Company posts on James Bay.

Emergency Contacts

  • Medical Emergency: 819-895-8833
  • Police: 819-895-8961
  • Fire: 819-895-9000