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Badabin Eeyou School
(Feb 2020)
Welcome message from school principal
Badabin Eeyou School has an amazing staff with remarkable students located in the beautiful community of Whapmagoostui. Our primary goal is providing students with a meaningful education promoting and including Cree language and culture daily.
The school prides itself with passion, dedication and collaboration to ensure all students learn in a safe and positive environment. Offering Mikw Chiyam, Work Orientated Training Pathways, Elephant Thoughts and many extra curriculars, our students have the opportunity to grow academically and personally. Badabin Eeyou is truly a special place to learn and grow and we welcome you to come visit!
Mikw Chiyâm
Mikw Chiyâm is an interdisciplinary arts program for students in Secondary I through Secondary V.
Artists from across the Cree Nation and around Canada work in the schools for three or six-week periods to offer intensive creative instruction and mentorship.
At Badabin, this program has been in place since 2018.
After School Programs
Badabin offers a wide range of after-school activities.
We have a Student Council which helps to introduce students to the concept of elections and representation. Students voted for a Chief, Deputy Chief, Communication Officer, and Treasurer and they organize a monthly calendar with activities.
Our teachers volunteer after school to supervise students who want to play broomball, hockey or basketball in our gym.
Teachers and educators volunteer to play different board games and card games.
All events are from 3:45-4:30 and sometimes, in the intense games, they go longer!
Homework Help
Elephant Thoughts
All Secondary IV & V students have access to Elephant Thoughts graduation support programming in the weeks prior to Math and Science Exams.
Breakfast program
A cold breakfast is organized daily by our Readaptation Officer and Office Agent in collaboration with the local nutritionist.
We have one bus for our Pre-K - Grade 1 students in the morning, at lunch, and after school.
Our school runs on a Response to Intervention model. The RTI model ensures that students are meeting specific learning targets and that there are interventions/supports in place for those students struggling to meet specific targets and/or extension activities planned for those students who have already mastered the targets.
Our students benefit from a custom-designed behavioural enrichment program. SNAP (Stop Now and Plan) teaches students to think through the consequences of their actions.
Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, and Grade 1 are hosted at Meeyou Bee Nooquow School building.
Code of Conduct
At Badabin Eeyou School we will be
To Other Students
To All Staff Members
To School Property
To Ourselves
To Our School Work
To Others
To The Cree Nation
To Ourselves
Whapmagoostui QC J0M 1G0
Whapmagoostui QC J0M 1G0
Tel: 819-929-3428
Fax: 819-929-3548
Bell times
9:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.
1:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.
Office times
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.