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École Willie J. Happyjack Memorial School

Report your child's absence

819-753-2583 #3300
or use the Mozaïk Portal

Cree Culture Classrooms

Elementary and secondary school students in Waswanipi have access to Cree culture classrooms as part of their school grounds.

The most recent addition was built in 2019 next to Willie J. Happyjack Memorial School and features three buildings - a cookhouse, a cabin, and a sabtuan.


Homework Help

Elephant Thoughts

All Secondary IV & V students have access to Elephant Thoughts graduation support programming in the weeks prior to Math and Science Exams.

Breakfast program

All Secondary students who arrive at school prior to the start of 9 a.m. classes are provided with cereal bars, yogurt and/or fruit for breakfast.

Summer School

Safe Schools

Youth Fusion

Lunch-time and after school activities are available to students through our partnership with Youth Fusion. Some of the activities include robotics, leadership development, media, and healthy living.


Tel: 819-753-2583 
Fax: 819-753-2793


École Willie J. Happyjack Memorial School
1 Birch Street
Waswanipi QC J0Y 3C0


Bell times

8:50 a.m. to 11:50 a.m.
12:50 p.m. to 3:40 p.m.

Office times

8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Social Media

School Principal



