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James Bay Eeyou School

Report your child's absence

 - 819-855-2833 #2300
or use the Mozaïk Portal

Mikw Chiyam

Mikw Chiyam is an interdisciplinary arts program for students in high school. It has been offered at JBES since 2016.

Artists from across iiyiyiu aschii and around Canada work in the schools for three or six-week periods to offer  intensive creative instruction and mentorship.

Greenhouse Project

The project started as a collaboration between the school and Nihtaauchin Chisasibi Center for Sustainability. We built our Greenhouse in 2014. The project is a unique opportunity for students to gain knowledge on greenhouse vegetable production, while promoting healthy eating and food security for the north. It is currently being run by our WOTP program.

Sook It Fitness

Circuit training with a certified Personal Trainer. Staff and students are welcome to join after school to relieve stress, and get in shape while having fun.

Hours : 4:15 – 6:00 Daily

Homework Help

Elephant Thoughts

All Secondary IV & V students have access to Elephant Thoughts graduation support programming in the weeks prior to Math and Science Exams.

Breakfast program

All Secondary students who arrive at school hungry are welcome to take part in our Breakfast Program, which runs from 8:45  – 9:25 daily.

Summer School

Safe Schools


Youth Enrichment Services

Students whose could benefit from one-on-one support outside the classroom are given the alternative to spend 3 to 5 days in this off-site program.

Work-Oriented Training Path

The Work-Oriented Training Path (WOTP) evolved from a Work Experience Program for those 16 years and older. We have offered this programming for more than 20 years. Many successful students live and work in the community.

Code of Conduct

Minor offences

Supervised by teachers
  • Cell phone / iPod in class
  • Incomplete homework & assignment
  • Having food and / or drink in class
  • Coats and winter clothing are not in the locker. Hood is not removed.
  • Lateness
  • Leaving the class without permission
  1. Three warnings from the teacher
  2. Incident report given to the administration
  3. Follow-up with the teacher and student
  4. Consequences at the discretion of the teacher

Intermediate Offenses

Supervised by teachers & admin team
  • Not respecting a human being (students, teachers, administrators, support staff, etc.)
  • Not accepting a consequence from either a teacher or an administrator.
  • Skipping school / Loitering (While due schedule / around the school)

1st Warning

  1. Meeting with the student
  2. Study Hall with work provided
  3. Follow-up with students

2nd Warning

  1. Call or letter to parents
  2. Internal suspension with work (1 Day)
  3. Reinstatement in class with follow-up

3rd Warning

  1. Call and meeting with parents
  2. Internal suspension with work (2-3 days)
  3. Reinstatement in class with follow-up

Major Offenses

Supervised by admin team
  • Criminal infractions (Drugs, stealing, vandalizing, bullying, gambling, possession of weapons)
  1. Call / Meeting with Parents/Police/Teacher(s)/SAT
  2. External Suspension (1 to 5 days)
  3. Reintegration (partial or complete)


Tel:  819-855-2833
Fax: 819-855-2534


Big River High School
91 Aahtiskuu Rd
Chisasibi QC J0M 1E0


Bell times

9:30 a.m.  to 12:15 p.m.
1:30 p.m.  to   4:15 p.m.

Office times

8:30 a.m.  to 5:00 p.m.

Social Media

School Principal

Brian Dioszeghy

School Vice-Principal

Pravind Gobin

819-855-2833 #2201
CEA (Interim)

Jeffrey Kitty

Readaptation Officer

Leslie Herodier

819-855-2833 #2211
Readaptation Officer

Rosalind Snowboy

Documentation Technician

Velma House

819-855-2833 #2210
Student Affairs Technician

Jeannie McKee

819-855-2833 #2226