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Preparing You to Become Teachers in Your Community

Extended deadline to April 21, 2023
Cree School Board’s Department of Professional Education, in partnership of McGill University’s Office of First Nations and Inuit Education, is excited to announce that three teacher programs are now open!

Applications are being accepted for the 2023-2024, potential students can apply to our Cree Teacher Training Programs:

  • Bachelor of Education in Kindergarten/Elementary First Nations and Inuit Studies
  • Certificate in Education for First Nation and Inuit – Culture and Language,
  • Certificate Indigenous Language and Literacy Education

Each of the programs are designed specifically to engage Cree people in the education sector to become qualified teachers in their communities.

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If you have a desire to teach, this is your opportunity to study in one of our programs,” said Charlene Erless, Coordinator of Professional Development, during a radio interview on CSB Check-In.

Apply by April 21, 2023 at 5 p.m., applications are open to Cree beneficiaries! Anyone with a CEGEP Diploma of Collegial Studies, and students who are over 23 with a completed Secondary V diploma, can apply. Further information of the programs and how to apply can be found at our University Programs page.